EuroMec Project, 2020

An ERASMUS + KA2 project where QM Software is project promotor. Particpants from Sweden, Hungary and Romania. EuroMEC develops and pilots a system for the delivery of innovative ‘individualized’ work-based learning practices, supported by in-company tutors and the suppliers of new M4.0 production equipment. The pre-requisite processes are recognizing prior learning and flexible learning resources will be aligned to a shared framework of industry endorsed M4.0 learning outcomes. The continuous assessment of practical competence at the workplace will involve employers and inform NQ assessment results that are understood by the M4.0 SME manufacturing industry in Europe.
Summer Vocation Project, 2020
The project was a cooperation between Norwegian People Aide, Norges Livredningsselskap and Redningsselskapet. The project created a summer vacation camp for families with low income and refugees. Additionally it trained the participants in first aid, security at sea and first aid related to water activities. Total of 100 participants were participating over a 5 week period.
Children helps children Project, 2020
A first aid, CPR project, developing new methodology for letting children train children for CPR. Age group 8 to 14 years. The training creates an environment where children are used as instructors and mentors or other children in the same age group.

Virtual CPR Project, 2019

The CPR tool allows the user to experience a realistic CPR situation and then the user is guided through the CPR tasks. Development has been in close cooperation with Holoscope, Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina. The training tool let the teacher select a virtual environment for the training which is relevant for the pupils.
When carrying out the CPR, the user will be advised through the CPR process for all process variables and will be advised if something are not done correct.
Rotary Engine Project, 2017

Based on an innovative design for a rotary engine, QM-SOFT is participating in the development group for testing and evaluating the technical solutions. The project owner is CRMIC. The engine consist of a compressor unit and a burning chamber with very low weight. The rotation is 360 degrees with only 3 rotation parts per chamber. The engine is designed for fossil fuel and hydrogen.
The first part of the engine is finished and the one stage compressor gives an output between 13 and 15 bar. The current work is related to the burning chamber.
RMWT Project, 2017

Risk Management in Welding Technology, An ERASMUS + project where ISIM in Romania ´was project promotor, QM-SOFT was the Norwegian participant. The projects objective is to develop a new training course and to train the first groups of specialists in the field of risk management in welding fabrication. Structural economic changes and industrial productivity growth require a highly skilled and adaptable workforce in order to face the European economic and social challenges for the early future. The project gains relevance because it will assure that the skills and qualification profile development are done at an European level, aligned with the European market needs.
Resource Reservation Project, 2016

Development of a flexible system for allocation resources to a task. Again the resources can be tagged at different locations. Location of the resources are shown in Google Map and they can be reserved or allocated to tasks also sown in the same mapping system.