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Teaching Administration Project, 2015

A system that allows supplier of training courses to administrate their instructors on a local and national level. The system connects clients with training needs with the instructor being closest to their location. Reservation of instructors with sms and mail follow up and report generating facilities are a part of the system. Developed in cooperation with SOL Software Serbia


Green Weld Bulgaria Project, 2013

The main objective of the project Green-weld was to create showcase both for the Promoter companies, Energoremont Holding, Romania, as well as on a national level, where procedures, methodologies, technological leadership and practical day to day operation with leading edge technologies shows how a company can reduce pollution, create energy effective fabrication methods and at the same time create a sustainable production. This objective will not only create a sound sustainable development for the Promoter and the Partners, but it is foreseen that it will have a major impact for the Bulgarian welding industry

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CPR and e-learning Project, 2011

The project developed an e-learning course and first aid course using e-learning and learning design (LAMS) for creating the courses. The courses combined use of video and tasks in for the theoretical training and knowledge transfer as well as practical tasks to evaluate the competence of the students. The project results was tested in a local community in Norway

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iQSim Project, 2009

iQSIm, the the Leonardo da Vinci Development of Innovation project, Innovative Simulator Tools for Quality management Production Process Training in Vocational Education and Training, lead by Hist, Trondheim,Norway, developed  "What happens if….. simulator services" for mechanical industry in Europe. The tools and services are still used by vocational education and training providers and mechanical industry in many countries in Europe, for instance in Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Sweden and Norway.

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