Outsourcing of Sub-Sea Structures, Romania Project, 2008

The project promoted by Grenland Group, Norway, aimed at improving the skills of the staff working for PROMEX SA and 24 January SA with respect to the production of deep-sea structures, which required attention to some special technical parameters.
Results: Better capacity on the Romanian side to produce this type of equipment. It provided a new production line in Romania with a considerable business potential. Increased cooperation and more joint projects between the parties. The project created between 100-150 new workplaces.
MECCA Project, 2005

A Leonardo da Vinci project, Hist Trondheim was project promoter. The Mecca project has developed a framework for inclusion and use of Activity Based Training within welding practises, based on package description. Theoretical and practical training follows each other closely by utilising the ordinary job order descriptions in the production schedule that mechanical industry company´s use. The students will during the course, make up an object. The theoretical content may be disturbed by using video communication within a blended learning framework. The welding training specifications are done according to the international guidelines given by te European Welders Federation (EWF) and International Institute of Welding (IIW). The digital classrooms have been designed as part of the project.
E! 2774 Factory Welders Passport Project, 2002

The EUREKA project E! 2774 FACTORY WELDERS PASSPORT has created an online passport that enables skilled welders to move and work freely throughout Europe. The Factory Welders' Passport is a harmonization of EWF (European Welders Federation) skills and training certificates that allows for the accreditation of welding related personnel, wherever they work in Europe. Project promotor, Quality Management Software AS. Institutes and organization from ten European countries participated in the project.